What was your favorite elective class?
The Trailblazer recently interviewed students to get their opinions on their favorite elective courses. Vincennes University offers a variety of electives for students to take, allowing them to explore their interests in different subjects.
“My favorite elective that I have taken would have to be Marriage and The Family because I loved Professor Davis’s teaching and I got the chance to learn about the different family aspects and how no family is the same. This class gave me a really good outlook and a better understanding of what my family looked like. This class was also personal because some things in this class I was able to connect with and say ‘I went through this, I’m not alone’ such as parents separating and having step parents.”
–Kayleah Allen, Elementary Education major, Indianapolis, Indiana:
“My favorite elective at VU has to be psychology. I love to learn about the mental side and how the brain works and functions.”
— Ashley McKean, LPN Nursing Major from Austin, Indiana
“My favorite elective I have taken was the High Performance class. I learned something new everyday and I also got to meet some cool people in the industry. It was just an amazing experience.”
—Thomas Burks, Science Technology Major, Crawfordsville, Indiana: