VU offers students assistance and encouragement in their studies

photo by Josie Kidder

A bulletin board in the Summers Center is filled with information to help students academically.

Nearing the end of the semester, students are scrambling to catch up on work and assignments to get their grades up. Luckily, Vincennes University offers many tutoring labs available for students to catch up in classes, prepare for upcoming tests, or even for them to stop by for encouragement. 

Assistant Professor of History Kirk Abendroth is VU’s College Academic Coach for the College of Social Science, Performing Arts, and Communication. He covers all different subjects and helps students find the resources they need to help them reach their full potential at VU. 

“I provide structure, encouragement, and guidance to students on campus. It’s mostly practical help with homework or helping students navigate their way through Blackboard,” Abendroth said. 

Another one of his duties is to do check-ups on students. When students receive tracking attendance and performance of students (TAPS) warnings, Abendroth reaches out to them to ensure everything is OK. He also sends out uplifting messages of advice to all VU students.  

The Iowa City, Iowa, native enjoys being the college’s academic coach because of his love for teaching and because it allows him to be more acquainted with students.

“This job gives me another opportunity to teach while building relationships with the students. I want students to know that it is much easier to navigate college with help instead of by themselves; I want them to know they are not alone,” he said.

The Kirkwood Academic Skills Center is in the College of Humanities building in Room E125. It is open Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays. 

The Knowledge Market also offers free tutoring from 2-6 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays. The tutors go through a training process that allows them to help other VU students with assignments such as speeches, projects, presentations, and many other subjects. The Knowledge Market is located in the Shake Learning Resource Center past the blue arch.

For more information about VU’s available tutoring labs or sessions visit these links: