Students share what they are thankful for this holiday season

photo by Ben Edwards

A large Christmas tree stands in the Jefferson Student Union, adding cheer to the holiday season on campus.

It’s that time of year again when we get together with our families and eat good food, talk and laugh, and also just have a good time. Thanksgiving and Christmas are something a lot of people always look forward to each year. It’s the time of year to be thankful for what we have in our lives and also spend time with the people we love the most. 

The Trailblazer interviewed two students to see what they are thankful for this holiday season. 

“I’m thankful for my mother because despite everything that goes on in life she’s always been there for me,” said Anikki Noray who is from Tinidad and Tobago. Her major is Pre-Med with a biological, biomedical concentration. 

Noray said something that she’s thankful that happened this past year is getting the opportunity to fly home and see her mother. She has not been able to fly home this past year because the borders were closed due to the pandemic. 

Taylor Vieke, who is from Vincennes, said that she is thankful for the last half of this year. Vieke said that the first part of this year was rough but it got better as the year went on. 

Vieke also said that the part of Thanksgiving that makes her most thankful would be spending time with family and eating food. Also she’s thankful for the break from school. She is able to read some books that she has been meaning to get to. 

Something that Vieke is thankful for this past year is getting a job at the Old Post Bookstore here on campus. 

“I am a very unmotivated person and needed the job to help me get into a better routine and now I kind of have a healthier life. I met and now work with some pretty cool people,” said Vieke. 

Noray said that the thing she was looking forward to the most during Thanksgiving break was getting to relax, chill with friends and family and get ready for finals. 

Vieke said that she was most looking forward to about Thanksgiving was bringing out the Christmas tree the day after, also the leftovers. 

“Leftovers are always good,” Vieke said. 

While Thanksgiving is a good time to look at the past and see what we are thankful for, we should also move that toward Christmas time as well. This time of year can be stressful with buying gifts for people, and for college students with finals week coming up shortly after Thanksgiving. So we should all take a moment and reflect on what we have and what we are thankful for in the end.