Tips for saving money on books

Welcome back VU students, college books can be outrageous prices, and even sometimes hard to find. We have a solution for students here at Vincennes University. Individuals may find themselves having a hard time finding the right book or even collecting the funds for a certain book.

There are several different sites out there that allow students to purchase online and hardback books used, new, and returned. First find the title, edition, and author of the needed book or simply access the  “ISBN-” code. Students may locate this through the bookstore by going the bookstores website at finding the “course materials”, then click on “order textbooks” and there will be two sections one for “department” and another one for “Course-Section-Instructor.” After filling out the information to access the right books needed for courses, individuals will then see a list of books, and beside each textbook, there will be a list such as author, edition, and published date under published date find the “ISBN-” code.

Now here are some different sites that offer textbook sales and rentals: