How to Cope with Virtual Learning

 Many students have been affected by COVID-19 because of the transformation to virtual learning. School corporations have come up with a variety of ways to cope with students that are having issues, such as time management, self-motivation, technology issues, and adaptability struggle. 

Here at Vincennes University, there are many solutions for students. Experience VU is a program that provides help for those who have disabilities. They want to ensure students’ success in their college life at VU.    

Due to COVID-19, most VU classes have been converted to virtual learning; therefore many students are struggling with this transformation.  Experience VU is here to help, Ken Coleman has been the director of Experience VU for two years.  Coleman discussed that he had experience with virtual learning and explained  what helped him during his virtual learning process.  

“I have experience in designing distance education courses and experience with teaching distance courses. What has helped me is knowing there are a wealth of resources available to navigate the process,” Coleman said. 

Distance education can be stressful and hard for students; therefore, Coleman discussed some successful study skills he suggested for students’ virtual learning. 

“Managing your time is perhaps the most important thing. Students should treat all of their e-learning courses as though it is a typical on-campus class. For example, if a student has a virtual English course, the student should plan to spend M-W-F 10:00-10:50 with the course, in addition to performing what would normally be described as ‘outside the classroom’ activities. Because you might not have that face-to-face interaction with the instructor, being able to manage your time is the most important aspect,” Coleman said. 

Virtual learning can lead students to have many questions. Lea Ann Martinovich the Coach/Mentor at Experience VU discussed her struggles through college. 

“I struggled in college.  I felt I was not as smart or prepared as the other students.  I thought it would mean I was a failure if I asked for help or couldn’t do the work myself. I was wrong. Self-advocating for yourself and participating in a program like Experience VU does not make you a failure, it makes you a success!” Martinovich stated. 

 If online learning ever leads  to confusion Martnovich mentioned Experience VU offers virtual torturing for those who need help with disabilities. This virtual tutoring offered by experience VU can be through email, facetime, phone call, or even text message. 

Virtual learning can be a struggle for some individuals but there are ways to cope with these struggles a student might have. Experience VU is here to help with these struggles virtually and in person. Experience VU is located in Davis Hall, Room 422. The tutoring lab is open from Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.

More information is available on the Experience VU website.